Capuno; Jaume Fuster i Claris
I'm very cool user I swear.I do not accept job offers. Here are some of my projects (for my vanity):
- This website's source code.
- Farfetch; a cute and fast system fetcher.
- Lander; I & II, a top down space shooter.
- RSAGEN; RSA key generator and (en|de)crypter.
- GNUCAT; A file host web service.
Oooh, you clicked the next page button, so what is your next step in your masterplan to get my information, huh?Well I'll have you know I am always two steps ahead of you and if you wanna catch me you will have to play my game.

The following pages will be 1-step (AR kindoff) games.It will be a series of pages you have to decypher, every result will be added to the c list in the code below to get the answer. Find n and d by yourself.
p = 499 q = 677 n = int ? e = 220627 d = int ? # c = [int game0, int game1, int game2, int game3, int game4, int game5]After you get all the variables, use this to get the message:
print(''.join([chr((char ** d) % n) for char in c]))If you want to play, sometimes you will have to check the page source, some other times you will have to check other "hidden" things, and the rest you will just have to think. Every game corresponds to N letter, so if you get gibberish in one position you failed that game.
The message is something very special for me, so the prize is a place in my heart, oooh so nice and cute, isn't it?
I stole the RSA idea from mona, a very mysterious internet persona.
The audios will have clues for each game.
$ sed '6q;d' BeethovenGrave
# From a Catalan riddle for kids :)
Eleven divided by two is two, and two plus four is seven. This is proven, it is as true as two equals three.So, what is:
( five to the power of (four plus nine minus one) times (fourteen minus eight) ) plus ( seven to the power of one plus (sixteen plus five minus two) )
Back then in the year we had pretty bad cameras with low resolution like this one:Click me.
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(define ▲ (* ▲ 328))
(define ▶ (* ▶ 30))
(define ▼ (* ▼ 34.5))
(define ◀ (* ◀ 1))
(+ ▲ (- ▶ (* ▼ ◀)))
It was at the "end of the start" man... you missed it, what a loser, you are not "1337" enough haha XD.- Actual verbatim quote from Voltaire
Thank you!!!;
Thank you, user, for navigating into my world wide web site I made myself, I hope the universe delivers you good luck and prosper adventures into your life, I hope you have a great day, please, have a good life, I beg you.

Jaume Fuster i Claris
@Capuno · Member since June 5, 2018I had a GitHub account, however it got banned after microsoft purchased it, after trolling in a microsoft issue for one of their stolen source codes without proper licenses, in this case GVFS, they had chosen that name only to insult GNOME, even when they asked microsoft to change it they said no, it was until the open source community raged about that they decided to pussy out.
That account had good repos and one with 50 stars, however I am proud of what I did.
Jaume Fuster i Claris
@cccapunoUPDATE 2022: lmao the retard enron msuck banned me for calling him a retard IN THE SAME WAY ANDREW LEE BANNED ME FROM FREENODE FOR CALLING HIM A RETARD !!! I LEGIT PREDICTED THIS MONTHS AGO
Twitter is corrupt, the governments and monopolies pay to hide or show things, however I am interested in some people that use Twitter to share their thoughts. If you want to read about my thoughts, I would recommend you better visit my LIFE or Mastodon page instead, which is more personal and uncensored.
Jaume Fuster i ClarisWasting time in videogames is a really effective way of stop thinking about things that bother me.
However, Steam is known for being a DRM hell, when you buy software from them, you buy a license to use said software, not the software itself, and that sucks.
-1 subscribersNo, I don't like YouTube either, honestly I don't have anything in particular I dislike about the site, but they are a monopoly, and they know that very well. And you never know what to expect from a monopoly controlled by another monopoly...
If you wish to send me an electronic mail, please do, I'm really lonely, just talk to me I beg you, my email is c at capuno period cat.